Monday, September 16, 2013


Dumela All!!!

Well this week has been quite an interesting one to say the least! We have been doing lots of finding and lots of teaching! We have a new investigator named Ona. She is just so excited about the gospel and she just smiles the whole time and asks sooo many questions so it is pretty exciting! Botswana however is hotter than hot. I dont think I have ever been this hot in my life. Since I am in part of the Kalahari Desert I definitely have a new appreciation for air conditioning. It never rains and alot of people it probably wont EVER so thats not good at all. Things have still pretty interesting! I actually stopped breathing this week and had a minor heart attack all at once. We went to a members house to teach him and we were sitting there teaching the lesson and i saw something moved really fast in the corner so I turn to look at the fireplace and all of sudden tons of rats coming running out!!!! Huge, gigantic, monster looking rats! I have never even seen a rat outside of a pet store so needless to say I was a sight to see. The things you do for a mission, right?
Anywhoooooo this week was pretty exciting as well because we had companion exchanges. This is when you switch companions for 24 hours and you go to a new area and all of that cool stuff! So my companions name was Siter Vuki and she is from Tonga. She has been out for 15 months so she goes home soon! So she came and got me and i went to Gerald which a town a little ways away from the one I am serving in! It was amazing! She is so cool and she taught me alot of things! The town we went to is sooo tiny. There was nothing there but houses not even a store or a gas station so that was extremely interesting!!!! Anyway I enjoyed it and it made me just want to work even harder so that someday I can be a senior companion too!!!!!
Other news! We had two baptisms this saturday for the two girls Gosego and Dikeledi! It was beautiful! I love baptisms it definitely is a different spirit. Along with those two girls there was a man named Brother Edward that got baptized. We didnt specifically teach him (only once) but he was a totally nice great humble man. I was so happy to get to see him baptized. I saw him at church yesterday and he wasnt feeling well and unfortunately we got news this morning that he passed away in his sleep so today has been a little solemn. Its just amazing for me to know that God has a plan for each of us. Brother Edward only needed to be here long enough to get baptized and now he can go be with Heavenly Father again. It really just strengthens my testimony even more.
This week has been sort of difficult too. We teach about 36 lessons a week and only 5 of the people ever come to church! Africa is great. People let you come in, they let you teach them, they understand everything but they will NEVER come to church. It gets very frustrating because we cant baptize people who never come to church and so we actually are planning on dropping alot of people. It really is sad for me though. Losing people that understand the gospel but wont act on what they know. But I guess we all know that in Heaven God lost 1/3 of his investigators too. 1/3 of the people in Heaven saw God and he taught them and they still followed Satan so it just humbles me to know that I just have to try my best and then the rest is in Gods hands. . Also you should know that I had to teach gospel principles for the first time yesterday! Since everyone is a recent convert, the missionaries have to teach and i was sooo nervous but everyone said I did great so that was happy!!! Anyway not much else is happening! We have 7 people on date to be baptized still and hopefully I will have tons more coming up! Also I have 7 weeks of training left. Yes I am counting down! lol I will officially be grown up! Evevn though I am the youngest sister missionary out here! Anywayssss thats about it. Life is good and HOT. Im learning more Setswana and I have tan lines! haha but im growing spiritually more than ever and I never regret coming out to spread the gospel to the ENDS of the earth. Literally. Over and Out! :)

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