Monday, September 23, 2013


Greetings all on the other side of the world!!! Well this week has been a week to say the least! I am really enjoying my mission even though we have our ups and downs I definitely can not complain! So this week me and my companion Sister Gehring have been focusing our teaching method. As a missionary it is easy to get scared when your teaching people. Scared to be bold with them and just tell them like it is. When they don't read or when they ask a hard question we tend to sugarcoat it and so this week our goal was to be BOLD and teach with authority. In Preach My Gospel it tells us that if we don't teach with authority then the spirit can not testify and so this week we have been BOLD and we have definitely seen the difference. We teach better together and we also feel the spirit through our whole lessons. I don't even plan what I will say anymore I just feel it in my heart and then just speak and everything I say I can feel and so I know that they can as well. I was reading in my scriptures and I read Jacob 1:19 and he talks about our power and authority. If we don't teach the gospel we answer the sins of those people on our heads and I know that that is a huge responsibility. Jacob 2 talks about the Lords vineyard and I thought this week how I have been called of God to care for this part of his vineyard. It is up to me to plant the seeds and nourish and care for his children and so I definitely do not take it lightly because one day I will be held responsible. Missionary work is GREAT! This has however led us to drop a lot of people this week (stop seeing them) but if they are not serious about the gospel we have to find people that are. So we are going to be doing a lot of finding this week (aka tracting).
Another thing that has been amazing is just the spirit that I feel now. We learned that when you truly understand the Atonement it changes you. So I spent a lot of time studying it and I got the impression that we should start teaching the Atonement to everyone. Members and nonmembers and my companion liked the idea and so that is what we have started. I can honestly say that I have learned so much more, and my eyes and heart have been opened. The Atonement was such a monumental event and it is really one of the most powerful lessons I teach. The spirit is always sooo strong so I will continue to do this :)
Also this week was great because we worked our butts off! Me and my companion are doing great with lessons. We have to keep track of lessons taught with members, other lessons, and the number of new people we find! We are doing the best out of everyone! She even said that this is the best she has done on her whole mission which I think is great since she has been out 5 months already and its just my first month!! 
Oh by the way it is HOTTTTT. Honestly it is probably over 100 every single day and it never gets better. Even at night and we can't open the windows because the mosquitoes are like monsters! But yeah that is about all that has happened! The mission president gave us permission to have a braii today though (bbq) so after this were going to go to this animal park and bbq and play games! Im super excitied. Crossing my fingers that I see a zebra!!!!!! Anyway my birthday is next week and I cant wait!!!!!! :) Thanks for all the emails and love everyone! I miss you all and you're always in my thoughts! Stay well!!!
Sister Scott

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