Monday, January 26, 2015
Elections # Time Far Spent
This week. One way to describe it. Elections.
Yes mission has taught me a slight dislike for elections because they always tend to disturb our work. So for those who can remember the whole Malawi escapade can understand why we dont really enjoy elections. So this week was a joy since there were elections due to the death of the late President. So elections here are definitely different than at home. People here get excited. Too excited. So we actually had to stay inside for about three days while everyone got loud and rowdy. So it was good to rest but of curse after the first day you don't need anymore rest and you just get a lil stir crazy! So when we did go out we actually got to teach some sweet lessons.
One of which was to a sweet lady named Ruth who sells veggies near our home. She asked us to come and visit her so we did and it was such a sweet and powerful lesson. We asked her why she wanted us to come and she said because she goes to church but she doesn't know anything. So we asked her about God and she said she just knew that he was Jesus Christ. So we knew that we would have to start from the basics. So we had a great lesson about God and who he is and what he expects. It was so sweet. I honestly felt the spirit so much and we have high hopes for her. Afterwards she told us that she actually would be moving in two days so of course we were super sad but then we passed by two days later and she said that she changed her mind and decided she would stay. I know that it was an answer to our prayers.
These week we also had the chance to visit many less actives and it was really sweet. I realize how much I love the people here especially in the branch. I honestly dont know how I will be when I have to leave.
I guess the most powerful thing that happened this week was the opportunity that I had to give my final talk here in Zambia. So this week we have been focusing alot on a talk by Elder Bednar ''Converted Unto the Lord.'' It was a talk assigned to us from Elder Cook of the Seventy in preparation for our mission tour this week. As I pondered on what I should speak on the idea of conversion was pretty solid in my mind. So Sunday I had the opportunity to share my talk and to really bear my testimony that I have about conversion. I realized that there is a huge difference between having a testimony and being truly converted. it all comes down to the difference between saying and doing. Its so easy to get up and to share our testimony. To say that I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet. That is a testimony. Conversion means that you not only know that the Book of Mormon is true but you read it, you study it, and you apply it. You not only know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet but you followed his counsels and his advice that he gives. Conversion is acting. CONVERSION is truly being and living the gospel. As I shared my talk I felt the spirit testify to me not only of the need of the branch members to be converted but what I myself need to do to become more converted to the gospel. As I prepare to go home I need to make sure that I have become truly converted and not that I just have a testimony. In the talk by Elder Bednar he shares the story of the Anti Nephi Lehi's who were so converted that they buried their weapons of war. They never wanted to kill or do wicked things again. They never fell away. They were truly converted. They not only turn from the world but they stayed turned towards the Lord. How easy it is for each of us to turn to the Lord but the true test is if we look back towards where we came from. That is not conversion. These people buried their weapons or things that kept them from being converted. What do we need to bury? What do we need to let go of so that we can experience true heart felt conversion? I know that is a question I ask myself each day. I pray that we can all be converted. That we can align our wills with God. That we can have this mighty change in heart.
I love you all and hope you have a great week. His arm is forever stretched out. His mercy is forever there.
Sister Scott
Monday, January 12, 2015
1+7 = Here!
Well its official. The time has flown by! This week I hit 17 months and I realized that I never actually expected to make it this far. So the majority of my week was spent in shock. Haha. But the time has flown right?
This week was a great week. I feel like I had a fresh start since I have a new companion and we just spent the week working very hard. So this week we spent alot of time finding new people and doing lots of contacting. We found some super sweet people that we hope we can go back and see soon!
One of the coolest would probably be a young girl Mwaba whos family are already members but they are all less active but she just turned 8 and now we are helping prepare her for baptism. She is so great. One thing I have realized is that I love children and I love teaching them the gospel because they have the coolest answers for everything. We were teaching her about God and she pretty much knew it all.
Another sweet miracle we had this week was during our time in the area we decided that we would go and check on one of our former investigators Pride Mwansa. So Pride we taught way back in October and he had major Word of Wisdom problems that held him back and we ended up just dropping him and giving him a break. So we stopped by his house and he tells us that we can teach him and so we sit and wait for him. So everytime we go ,his wife never talks to us and even though we try she has always been so quiet and never really opens up but something told me to go and talk to her. So I walk over to her and I ask her If I can help with anything. She tells me that the only thing I can help with is if I help Pride. So I ask her what she wants help with and man, she just opened up. She told me everything that was wrong and how badly she wants him to change and to stop drinking. It had gotten so bad that now her family had kicked him out so he no longer lives with her and their three kids. I could see her pain and her hurt and I didnt know what to say so some thing just told me to ask her if she loved him. So I did. She just looked at me and smiled. I knew she was probably thinking how can such a young girl ask me a thing like that but then she said yes. She did love him. So I told her thats where it starts. We can't help him without her help. So I started asking a few questions and then I gave her a Plan of Salvation book and asked her if we could come and see her and she agreed.Honestly my heart was beating so fast. haha I was so nervous but I knew that Heavenly Father had carried me through that and opened a window for us.
So when Pride came over we sat and has a short lesson with him and I kind of grilled but I wanted him to take responsibility. So I could see the pain and sadness in his eyes that he now realized that he was about to lose his family and so I told him that he needed to make a decision right now. So he did. He said he was ready and so now we are going to try to help their family receive the restored gospel. I dont know what Heavenly Father wants to teach me sometimes but I can say that I won't ever forget the way that I felt that day and I can't wait for their family to be sealed in the temple some day. Thats the goal. I know that its possible. With God it always is.
I love you guys so much and I pray that your weeks are well. Dont think you are ever alone! He knows everything!
Sister Scott
Monday, January 5, 2015
Happy Belated New Year
So Happy Belated NEW YEAR J
I hope that everyone had a great new year and that everyone has started the year off right! As for me my new year was filled with lots of new changes and news which we will get to later. So our week started off very well we worked a lot with our recent converts the Nasilele’s and the Shonga family of course. The Nasilele family has been getting their field ready for the rains and planting lots of maize and vegetables so we actually got to go and do service at her house this week. We went and we were able to go and put fertilizer in the fields. Man being in Africa has definitely taught me how to work in the field! Seriously we thought we were young until our knees were giving out. Haha. Yes it was very fun! Its great to be able to help others as well. So this week we actually had the opportunity to go on exchanges!!! Yes, exchanges. So this time I was in my area with Sister Rakotonindriana. She is from Madagascar and she has been on mission for about 14 months now. So we worked in my area together and we had a nice time. We were able to meet the Shonga family and a great lesson. We are actually trying to help their children read so we have reading lessons with them every week. And they are improving so well. At the beginning they didn’t even know how to spell I and Me. Now they are reading the Book of Mormon. Its so amazing and it shows the power that our great God has.
So unfortunately the saddest thing happened this week! While we were on exchanges the Zone Leaders actually called and came and told us that there were transfers! So of course I was in shock because I wasn’t expecting them. So they told us that Sister Makunye (my companion) was being transferred on Saturday morning and that my new companion would be coming on Friday. And guess who it is? Sister Komiha (the sister I served with in Blantyre.) So I was very surprised and we didn’t expect it! So the rest of our week was spent with trying to get everything together for Sister Makunye and her packing since she just had two days. It was very sad. I honestly miss her so much already. But I know that it’s part of missionary life.
So Saturday was a kind of hard day. I am trying to get used to my new companion and things changing but It’s a little sad. So Saturday me and Sister Komiha headed out into our area and we met with a lot of people. We actually went and visited a less active family the Kabeshi family. They were baptized a long time ago when the family was very young but now the only active one is the father Brother Kabeshi. So we visited with them and we actually had a My Family lesson. It was very great. It’s always nice to do My Family with people as they research their genealogy and their families. So after the lesson we committed them all to complete their books and even to come to church so my hopes are that they will one day come back. So this week was probably not the best week but it was full of ups and downs and there is so much more to look forward too.
So I would just like to share a little bit of knowledge that I received this week from my study of the Book of Mormon. As I studied from Alma 31 I learned of the group in the Book of Mormon better known as the famous ‘’Rameumpton Prayers’’ who got on tall towers and recited prayers once a week. It was surprising how this group of people once had the gospel but now they had lost everything they had once learned. A quote by Elder Boyd K. Packer states that, ‘’ True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behaviors.’’ It goes on to say that, ‘’ The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.’’ So I just want to leave that with you to think about and to ponder. As we study the gospel and live it that is how we change. I will be hitting 17 months this week and I have realized that I have changed a lot more than I realize. I think the changes they come gradual and slowly but they come as we are consistent in our goals. I hope that everyone will continue to let the gospel change them. That it will change your attitude and your behavior.
I love you all and I hope that you have a great week! Love you and miss you! See you soon!
Sister Scott
Christmas Blues ( 12/29/14)
Well I guess you can call this the after Christmas blues email. I have of course very saddened by the passing of this beloved holiday but of course I look forward to the next BIG one )
So how was your Christmas??? I hope that everyone one had wonderful holidays and Im so grateful for my wonderful family that I was able to talk with as well. Well we had a pretty great week. Of course it was not the most productive week as for as lessons go because people here go to their families and other places but of course we still had a nice time. Christmas day we had the opportunity to go to the Shonga family and to be able to spend the Christmas morning with them. We were able to watch the video ''Joy To The World'', and then we had a small lunch with them. After the video I asked everyone to go around and share what they were grateful for this Christmas. It was a wonderful moment that made my heart very happy. I realized at that moment how great it was to be here in Africa in my home away from home with people that love me just like m own family. It was so great. I will never forget this Christmas. My last one on mission.
So after that we went to celebrate the birthday of the one of the sisters. It was a very nice time. We had PIZZA HUT! Yes I forgot to make the biggest announcement ever that the first PIZZA HUT ever opened here last week! I cried. I was so happy. I cant even believe it. Its so good. And it made me super home sick. But that's okay because it was 100% worth it.
So then on Friday the 26th the missionaries in all of Zambia came together for a Christmas shindig. We had a dinner, white elephant gift exchange, dessert, and a movie. It was so super fun! Not to mention it was my first time seeing my love Sister Mbele (my daughter) and Sister Lyon again! It was so great. I love them so much. We are like sisters honestly. I totally feel like mission made me believe in Pre Earth life more than ever because I know that I knew them in the life before this. Haha. So it was super great. On Saturday we were able to have a short morning fireside with President and Sister Erickson. It was very nice. We discussed the sacrament and how we can better prepare ourselves and get more out of it. We learned how the sacrament gives us the opportunity to see where we were, where we are, and where we want to be spiritually. The sacrament allows us with the power to overcome those weakness that we have. We have to refine ourselves and help ourselves so that we can then be a better instrument in his hands. It was a really spiritual time and I enjoyed very much.
So this week was good not very exciting but a great time that I got to spend here in Africa in Zambia. I know the gospel is true. I know that if it wasn't for the gospel I wouldn't be here and so that is the greatest blessing that has happened in my life. I love you all and I hope that you continue to stay strong and steadfast in all that you do!
Sister Scott
It's Beginning To Look Like Christmas (12/22/14)
Hello my family and friends how is everyone doing this week! I hope that all is well and everyone is getting into the Christmas season the right way! Man things this week have been pretty great! I mean when its Christmas time things always have to be great right?
So this past was filled with answered prayers. Me and my companion have been really striving to find new investigators while continuing to take care of our recent converts. So this week we received lots of referrals from our Zone Leaders and we got the chance to visit with many of them. Also Sister Shonga the mother of all of the kids we have baptized told us about friends that she has that lived near her that were interested in the gospel. So we actually found 8 new people to teach and that was definitely a miracle. All of them will be great but there were four of them that im pretty excited for! Two of them are brothers that we contacted Mwenda and also Robby his brother. They are super sweet! We visited with them and they are so great. Robby said that its exactly what he’s been wanting and that he was looking forward to. He said that he is facing some obstacles but he wants to be back close to God and overcome these weaknesses. We were able to share a little about Christ and the power of the Atonement and it really touched him. I am super excited to see what happens.
Two of the other ones that we are excited for are Mumbi and Boyd. They are two friends that we visited with on Saturday and we had the opportunity to just sit with them and talk and discuss. The one that really seemed excited was Mumbi. He is 20 years old and he grew up in the village until he was about 18 years old and that’s when he came to the city here to study at the University. He told us that in the village education isn’t really the biggest priority and since he is the first born in his family he knew that it was up to him to make it. He knew that he needed to graduate high school and then go to school. He said that he wants to study Economics and then he wants to own his own business that deals with the imports and the exports here in Zambia. He said that he loves reading and so the excitement in his eyes was so great when we shared with tem both the Book of Mormon. He is so sweet and great. I just am so excited! Honestly Heavenly Father answers our prayers in little ways that sometimes we don’t even see or understand.
So other than that our week was great. We had lots of investigators at church and we were able to see many of our people and teach them. Overall it was succccch a great week! I guess I can share two of the more spiritual things that impacted me this week above all else. One of which was our lesson with our investigator Emmanuel Shonga (the older brother to our 4 recent converts.) So I know that I have mentioned him a few times before so we are pretty excited for him. Just a recap Emmanuel is 19 (turning 20) on Christmas and he is a very smart educated young guy. He is a Catholic with his father and the rest of their family are members. Emmanuel we have taught about 5 times now and we really haven’t made a lot of progress but the last two times have been pretty great. He said that he knows everything about the church and the Restoration and he has prayed but he hasn’t been able to receive an answer. We shared with him Ether 12:6 and also Moroni 7:13-14. We had a powerful lesson yesterday about the Restoration. He told us that he understands that we are Christians and if we are Christians that means we follow Christ and do what he does. We explained more of the priesthood and also the apostasy. The spirit was there and I could see that he got it. He said that he has been praying to know if it’s true and he said he always feels good when he prays but he has a lot of doubts and questions and son we told him he needs to have faith. Then as we ended the lesson I invited him to pray for us and to also pray specifically in the prayer to know if the church is true and if the Book of Mormon was true. I can’t really express the way that I felt during that prayer. All I can say is that I had tears in my eyes and I felt It in my heart. God definitely works in mysterious ways. I pray that Emmanuel will not let fear and doubts cloud the truth because I know that blessings await him and I know that it strengthened my testimony too.
The second thing that touched my week was my study from the Book of Mormon. This week I have been reading in chapters Alma 19-26. One thing that touched me was the story of Aaron teaching King Lamoni’s father and how when Aaron taught him he only had the desire to give up all that he had. He said ’’What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken,’’ and then goes on to say ‘’Behold I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom that I may receive this great joy.’’ As I read this my mind was impressed with how willing and eager he was to forsake everything that he had for the gospel. As I read on I came upon the story of the Anti Nephi Lehi’s. This was a group of people that were very wicked and full of iniquity for many years but once they heard the gospel and believed that changed. They wanted to never sin again. They even buried all of their weapons of war and when the Lamanites came to kill them, they gave up their lives freely just to keep their covenants with God. These stories really touched my heart of their sacrifices. It was once quoted that ‘’ A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce faith necessary unto life and salvation….the faith necessary unto the enjoyment of life and salvation never could be obtained without sacrifice of all earthly things.’’ As I read I just asked myself what am I willing to sacrifice for the gospel. Our minds don’t have to go far as we can all ask ourselves this question. What will I give up that may stand in between me and my Heavenly Father. Friends? Music? Tv? Or the occasional drink? This is something that we all need to ask ourselves. Will we give all that we have? Will we sacrifice for God?
I love the Book of Mormon. It is a guide to my life and a guide into my future. It helps me and leads me so much and I learn more than I ever have just from its simple but true words. My prayer is that we all take the time to ask ourselves what we are willing to sacrifice and what do we need to do to change or sacrifice for God. I can promise that he knows. He knows our weaknesses and our struggles, but he is more than willing to be at our aid. During this Christmas season my mind reflects on our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that I am away from home for the last time and that this will be the last Christmas that I will get to spend laboring in Heavenly Fathers vineyard and my prayer is that I can make my Father proud by showing him what I am willing to sacrifice for him. I love you all and I pray that you have a Holly Jolly Christmas this year J See you soon!
Sister Scott
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